Sunday, May 31, 2009

HELP me understand this GAY STUFF!!!

As a practicing MORMON...believing...faithful...(well mostly) SOMETIMES I struggle. The very foundation of our country is based on this spiritual declaration that ..ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL.. GOD IS NO RESPECTER OF PERSONS (favoring one over another)..then where in the BLAZES do we think that gays should not have the right to marry. If I have that right then what makes me think that a gay should not have that same right honor privelage to have an honorable loving relationship that bring forth this thing we think is important..THE FAMILY..? I don't get it. Here we have young men committing suicide over this because we don't have a place for them at the table of the church. We would rather that they left the church and engaged in promiscuous conduct that to give them the sanction of marriage. Oh yeah that would mean it wasn't a sin anymore. SOMEONE help me understand it. I know that Brigham Young led us astray for decades until Spencer W. Kimaball had the faith to take it to the Lord. It was said that we had to be prepared first before it happened. I don't believe that. It was a mistake from day one and it took way too long to be corrected. I see the same thing all over again. Someone take this to the lord before we lose more precious faithful loving souls.